Videomenthe team wishes you a Happy new year!
Article published in Mediakwest magazine on 24 April 2024
French company Videomenthe distributes and publishes software solutions for file-based media processing. Founded in 2008 and headed by Muriel Le Bellac, it has developed Eolementhe, a collaborative media workflow platform that is agnostic, simple and innovative, with subtitling and watermarking for audience measurement!
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Eolementhe is a visionary 100% cloud platform, created in 2014 at a time when innovation in the field was a challenge! For the past ten years, Videomenthe has been working on a web-based platform covering the entire media processing chain, with a range of functionalities: transcoding, quality control, loudness, technical and editorial metadata, subtitling, watermarking for audience measurement, AI, delivery, and so on. Working closely with its customers and partners, the company has perfected its solution so that it is both simple and fast to use, and can be customised to suit specific workflows, which is essential for the broadcast industry.
In recent years, Videomenthe has extended its range of services to include professional translators and subtitlers (multilingual or SME), making Eolementhe a truly collaborative lab in the cloud, at an attractive price! Version 10 of Eolementhe, which has just been released, is the culmination of our efforts to listen to the market. Focus on three turnkey workflows.
Creating and delivering media files of impeccable quality can be a real headache for both content providers and broadcasters. Eolementhe makes this process easy, with workflows for transcoding, quality control with ready-to-use test-plans, collaborative editorial approval and delivery that can be used anywhere in the world.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Multilingual and SDH subtitling (Arcom regulation) is a major challenge for the industry. To deliver quality multilingual content easily and quickly, Eolementhe uses generative AI tools (transcription and translation), coupled with human review by the customer or Videomenthe's network of translators.
"There's no secret about it: maintaining quality while controlling costs means automating what can be automated, and then intervening to review the subtitles. Eolementhe is designed to facilitate this post-editing stage," explains Sandrine Hamon, Communications Manager at Videomenthe.
A la Vista, a Swiss production association, made no mistake about it and entrusted Videomenthe with the German subtitling of its first feature film.
Videomenthe is also continuing to innovate! The company has developed a special partnership with Kantar Média, to include a brand new audience measurement watermarking feature on Eolementhe. It's a simple fact: watermarking is an essential step in the proliferation of screens and distribution channels. But the application of this watermarking remains a technical and complex step. Eolementhe makes watermarking easy, and has won over NRJ Audio, one of the solution's users.
The aim of the platform has always been to facilitate collaboration between the various media players. Thanks to Eolementhe, the customer is autonomous: he finalises his PADs, subtitles them and watermarks them very easily. The platform manages automated tasks for them, so they can concentrate on their core business! Eolementhe incorporates an ultra-flexible and advantageous business model, based on subscription or PAYG, which adapts perfectly to the pace of the cultural and creative industries!