Videomenthe team wishes you a Happy new year!
A la Vista is an audiovisual production association based in Switzerland, entirely dedicated to social issues and the promotion of diversity and world cultures. Made up of directors, journalists, psychologists and others, the association produces films, documentaries and short films, which it broadcasts on its web TV Carrefours TV.
It was in this context that A la Vista called on Videomenthe and its EoleCC solution for the subtitling of the documentary "L'invisible éléphant", directed by Patricia Marin and Violeta Ferrer, which deals with domestic violence and its consequences for children
"This is the association's first feature film, and we needed to subtitle it in German for several screenings in Switzerland. The deadline was tight, as was our budget! We turned to Videomenthe for the job because we liked their approach: automated subtitling using the EoleCC solution guarantees fast turnaround, and post-editing by their professional translator means the subtitles are of the highest quality,"
explains Violeta Ferrer.
Videomenthe offers a comprehensive subtitling service that includes its EoleCC collaborative subtitling solution and the services of professional translators.
The way it works is very simple: the video or audio content is uploaded to the Eolementhe web platform, transcribed and then translated into the desired languages using Artificial Intelligence tools. Videomenthe's translators then work directly on the platform to proofread and adjust the content (text and time codes). Finally, the customer can validate the work done and retrieve their finished video with subtitles embedded, as well as the subtitle file in .srt or .stl format.
"It was a real pleasure to work with the Videomenthe team! We were supported, listened to and accompanied. It's really comforting to find a team that's so professional, committed and ready to commit fully to its projects. The experience was so rewarding that we also called on Videomenthe for our second documentary, currently in post-production. We were totally impressed by the quality of the service they provided, their speed, their wide range of services, their human touch and their invaluable availability, all at a reasonable and affordable price.", adds Violeta Ferrer.
"A la Vista tackles very important social issues and promotes their visibility through the use of video. We're proud to play our part in highlighting these issues through high-quality subtitling",
concludes Muriel le Bellac, President of Videomenthe.
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About Videomenthe
Videomenthe is a French software publisher and distributor specializing in media file workflow solutions, including the transfer of IP-based files, transcoding farms, quality control and audio loudness, subtitling, watermarking, etc. Videomenthe offers professional services based on these solutions and now incorporates them within Eolementhe© and VideomentheCloud.